At Data IQ we have been delivering value through data for 13 years
We not only implement Business Intelligence solutions to successfully solve data management problems, but our advisors have a career plan supported by certifications and participation in multiple projects.
With more than 430 analytic projects executed, we are confident that if you have a data problem, we have a solution.

- Data IQ signs an alliance to be a Qlik Master Reseller in Mexico.

- Exclusive sale of Qlik licensing and services
- Period of great growth
- Direct sales and through partners

- Qlik opens the market to more partners
- Elevanto is created for Qlik's direct sales
- Data IQ sells Qlik through partners

- Operation of two independent companies
- Data IQ becomes Qlik's exclusive wholesaler
- Elevanto becomes a Qlik Solution Provider
- Data management solutions are added to the Data IQ portfolio

- Data IQ merges with Elevanto
- Focus on direct customer service
- Data IQ maintains strategic alliances with partners
- Increased portfolio of solutions
If you would like to receive advice, please leave us your contact details,
and we will get in touch with you.